How Do I Balance Performance and enjoyment in golf?

To me, this is a tough question, and one that I constantly work on.

It all goes back to what is the story we're telling ourselves?

Are we playing the game like we did when we were kids, just for the sake of playing the game?

Or, are we telling ourselves that we love the struggle, grind, and constant stress for the reward of the brief feeling of relief when you do play well.

If the grind is what you're looking for and that is what sets your sails, then by all means, continue to grind.

But, if you're tired of feeling frustrated, depleted, and exhausted when you walk off the course, maybe there is another way.

We just need to put the game back into perspective. For me, it is the knowing that I am dedicating a small portion of my time each day to practice the fundamentals of the game and also to create shots.

Creating shots to me is an expression of my inner self, and that, regardless of the outcome, brings me joy.

Grinding away doesn't bring me any joy and actually has a detrimental effect on my performance, so I don't do that. I've got other important aspects of life to focus on, as well as most people do.

Most of us have full time jobs, family obligations, and other responsibilities. It does a world of good to treat this game with respect, but to also treat it as it is. A game.

Hit it. Go find it. Hit it again. Life goes on.




How do I control my thoughts out on the golf course?